Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Misclassification bias arising from random error in exposure measurement: implications for dual measurement strategies Essay

This research study was done by Chlan and Savik, (2011) in an attempt to explore the anxiety patterns in the ICU patients using mechanical ventilation support. The research employed descriptive statistics for ordinal and interval data that were presented as medians with ranges and provided the skewed data distributions. The categorical data was analyzed and presented as frequencies. The initial analysis graphed the anxiety trajectories for every participant to discern the pattern changes. The mixed model effects were then employed in the analysis since they accommodate nonhomogeneous and correlated residuals that were expected in the repeated measures. The research underscores that the mixed models provides ideal models for analysis of data with disparate time assessment missing points of data or both from the subjects being unwilling or unable to complete the daily assessment of anxiety due to mental status, medical condition of level of fatigue. The research estimated a series of m odels do determine the preferred change model for the study VAS-A (Chlan & Savik, 2011).The unconditional model means were then estimated to determine the appropriateness of further modeling. Each outcome Yii combined the individual deviations and the linear of the grand mean from the grand mean. The unconditional model means were used to assess the two null hypotheses (a) no changes across occasions (b) no variation between participants. Further, an unconditional model of growth with DAY was added to predict the estimation of change coefficients (Chlan and Savik, 2011). The models with multiple within-person error covariance compatible structures with the pattern of correlation between VAS-A scores at dissimilar points of time were then explored. Study Design The researchers employed subjects that included subgroup of participants enrolled in a multi-site, ICU-based randomized trial testing patients undergoing through mechanical ventilatory support (Chlan & Savik, 2011). The study participants were recruited from five medical centers multi-site trial representing 12 separate ICUs. The patients that were receiving mechanical ventilatory support for primary pulmonary problem such as respiratory distress who were alert and interacted with the medical staff were also enrolled to participate in the study. The study employed descriptive design and the subjects in the secondary analysis were those randomized to usual care control condition. Bordens and Abbott, (2014) writes that usual care includes the standardized nursing care protocols and standing medical orders for ever representative ICU whereby registered nurses provide care in 1:2 nurse to patient ratio. The use of randomized trials could possibly cause bias in section of the participants (Friedman, (2004). Delgado-Rodriguez and Llorca, (2004) also highlights that the use of randomized descriptive study design leads to under-representation or over-representation leading to elements of biases. The participants were enrolled at separate times during their stay in the ICU and on course of the mechanical ventilatory assistance. Therefore, there was a possibility of selection bias as a result of random sampling could be controlled by use of population-based controls or controls with disease not related to the exposure (Greenwood & Levin, 2007). Bias and Variable Control The number of missing scores on the VAS-A scale due to systemic error bias when the patients were fatigued to complete the assessment provided a challenge to the study. However, the study did not attempt to discern the anxiety sources and only used the anxiety ratings recorded on one assessment time point per day. While the participants were enrolled at separate times, the results of the study provide that there was no relationship between the initial ratings of anxiety obtained and the number of days in the mechanical ventilatory support and this possibly minimized the chances of selection bias in the study (Koplan, Thacker & Lezin, 1999). The dependent variable of the study was anxiety while dose frequency, sedative exposure, and time represented the independent variables. The dose frequency variable was used as a control variable to control the effects of sedative exposures. Sedative exposures to the ICU patients were instrumental since the patients received robust sedative and an algesic medications that could influence the ratings of their anxiety (Brenner & Blettner, 1993). References Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B. B. (2014). Research design and methods: A process approach (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Friedman, G. D. (2004). Primer of epidemiology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical. ISBN: 9780071402583. Brenner, H., & Blettner, M. (1993). Misclassification bias arising from random error in exposure measurement: implications for dual measurement strategies. Am J Epidemiol.;138:453–461. Chlan, L., & Savik, K. (January 01, 2011). Patterns of anxiety in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilatory support. Nursing Research, 60, 3.Delgado-Rodriguez, M., & Llorca, J. (2004). Bias. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 58(8), 635–641. Greenwood, D. J., & Levin, M. (2007). Introduction to action research: Social research for social change (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412925976. Koplan, J. P., Thacker, S. B., & Lezin, N. A. (1999). Epidemiology in the 21st century: Calculation, communication, and intervention. American Journal of Public Health, 89(8), 1153–1155. Source document

Cultural Considerations in Health Care

Introduction One of the greatest things about nursing is that we have the opportunity to share with different cultures and learn about them. Our patients are complex; they each have their religion, culture, and life choices. Delivering health advice and not knowing much about a patient’s cultural background will influence how the patient may perceive the nurses’ advice.The article that I did my research on was published in 2011, by Perez-Avila, Sobralske and Katz; the name of the article is â€Å"No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System†. In the United States, Hispanics form the largest minority. Most of this community has limited English proficiency; the purpose of this article is to teach us how Hispanics feel when catered to by English only speaking healthcare staff.Summary of the Article The article in my opinion was well written, it provides detailed information in reference to limited English proficient citizens in the United States. An example of how detailed the study is â€Å"One study revealed that only 37% of patients with LEP know it is their legal right to have health services offered in their language by a bilingual provider or through the use of professional interpretation services† (Katz & Pares-Avila, 2011, pg. 160).The author could have done a better job by providing more cultural information in reference to Hispanics; their believes and medical practices. Hispanic families believe that the father of the family is the boss; however the spouse takes care of the children. I must add that this is changing as women are becoming more functional in the work force and as professionals. The article focuses on how due to the lack of communication and cultural competence, a certain percentage of Hispanics do not benefit from the best possible care.In fact, the article states that Hispanics have more unnecessary tests done to them due to the lack of communication with health care providers. Many health care professionals decide to document that the patient’s medical history is not available, rather than finding an interpreter to assist them. The article does a nice job describing how this lack of cultural knowledge impacts the Hispanic culture. I chose this article because I find it interesting and of great help to any nursing and health care professional; I am Hispanic myself and constantly looking for better ways to help my community.I personally see my grandmother struggling whenever she needs to see her physician, as she sometimes does not understand what him and his staff are telling her. On another note nursing is an ever changing career and the Hispanic culture is growing at an enormous rate, becoming culturally competent does not only provide the patient with good care but can make the nurses’ job easier and more rewarding. I do feel that there should be more research on this subject; the b est way to learn about a patient’s cultural beliefs is to ask the patient.I think that the population that the author intended to target is health care professionals; however, I know that any immigrant can benefit from reading this article. Conclusion Culture competence is a quality that any nurse should have. The article that I decided to research refers to the impact that language and different cultures have on a patient’s health. It is the duty of health care professionals to attempt to learn about different cultures and to be sensitive to the way patient’s feel about their beliefs.Once the nurse understands a patient’s beliefs, the plan of care can be adjusted to meet the patient’s individual needs. Reference Pares-Avila, J. A. , Sobralske, M. C. , & Katz, J. R. (2011). No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System. Hispanic Health Care International, 9(4), 159-167. doi:http://dx. doi. org/10. 1891/1540-4153. 9. 4. 159

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery Essay

Through the years, terrible battles have been fought and many lives lost to eliminate slavery in this country, yet it still exists in the form of human trafficking. Globalization, competing economic markets and the population boom have created an environment that is ripe for modern day slavery. It was reported in a recent article in the European Journal of Criminology, all countries in the modernized world, whether it is the United States, Canada, New Zealand or the United Kingdom, can be shown to be active participators in the global market of human flesh, either as a country of origin – that is, countries people are trafficked out of; a country of destination – that is, countries where trafficked persons end up; or a country of transit – that is, countries through which trafficked per ­sons are moved en route to their final destination. (Winterdyk, Reichel). Trafficking in human flesh is a 32 billion dollar industry worldwide with an inventory of approximately 1 million victims in the United States alone and the number of victims is steadily on the rise (Feingold). Forced labor, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation are the most prevalent forms of human trafficking in this country, adding nearly 80 thousand victims annually, with children making up 50% of these statistics. Local and federal officials need to do more to bring traffickers to justice and eliminate human trafficking in this country. When asked to consider what human trafficking or slavery means, most people might think back to the era of slave trading. They might picture ships, full of passengers forcibly taken from their villages, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to America, only to become slaves working on plantations, in the cotton fields, under a grueling sun. Today, those slave ships have become different types of transportation that can contain and move human cargo without easy detection and the people inside the containers have not been forcibly taken. These people are looking forward to a better way of life and believe that they are being helped to reach it. What they don’t know is that they are headed from bad to worse. George Palermo, M. D at University of Nevada School of Medicine and Medical College of Wisconsin, believes that victims are drawn into the tentacles of human trafficking because of their desire for a better future, to escape social discrimination, or they are searching for honest work to better themselves. â€Å"The dream of a better future pulls them from their home. However, they too often find themselves disillusioned and entrapped in a very debasing situation, and their dreams are shattered† (Palermo 671). With their hopes of that new life dashed to pieces, the passengers begin that new life as modern day slaves, in a strange place, without knowing the language. These individuals will become the newest victims of forced labor, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation. They will be forced into laboring in places such as sweatshops, farms, and construction sites. They will also be forced into working very long hours, in terrible conditions. These modern day slaves will be forced to reside in places known as hot bunks, with single sleeping quarters, which will be used by rotating shift workers. Victims will face constant verbal abuse and threats of physical violence. They will be compelled to hand over most, if not all, of their earnings to the traffickers. Although most victims may wish to flee, but their fear of physical violence, lack of energy, feelings of guilt, and an overall sense of hopelessness will keep them invisibly shackled to their traffickers. Often times, female victims will find themselves forced into domestic servitude, acting as maids, cooks, or nannies. These victims will lead lives of isolation, having little or no unsupervised freedom, completely cut off from the rest of the world. There will be no privacy provided. Personal comfort will be nonexistent, and they will be forced to sleep on nothing more than a rug or bare mattress in an open area or hallway (Diaz et al. ). Such is the case of a Filipina woman recently rescued from a Maryland couple who forced her into domestic servitude. The couple has been arrested and charged with human trafficking and other immigration violations. According to the indictment, the couple from Maryland enticed the victim to come to the United States to work as their domestic servant. The defendants lured the victim, an impoverished, uneducated, mother of eight children, using false promises of a salary that would support her children in the Philippines. The defendants procured a fraudulent visa to allow the victim to enter the United States; confiscated the victim’s documents after she arrived; and compelled her labor for 18 hours a day over a period of 10 years, using a scheme of threats, assaults, withholding of documents, withholding of pay and a peonage contract to coerce the victim’s continued service (â€Å"Maryland Couple Charged†). Although the numbers of victims of forced labor and domestic servitude are on the rise, sexual exploitation remains the most prevalent form of human trafficking. Sexual exploitation is considered to be non-consensual or abusive sexual acts performed without a victim’s permission. This includes but is not limited to prostitution, escort work and pornography. Women, men and children of both sexes can be victims. Most disturbing is the number of children that are victims of sexual exploitation. In one report, it is estimated that at least seventy percent of the women involved in prostitution are victims of human trafficking and were introduced to the commercial sex trade before they were eighteen years of age. (Kotrla). Quite often children are abducted and forced into prostitution or pornography and never heard from again. Shauna Newell was one of the lucky ones. At the time of her abduction, she was a typical 16 year old who loved to hang out with friends, so when a new friend invited her to spend the night she was very excited and convinced her mother to allow her to do so. After she did not return home, Shauna’s mother called police who took the approach that the girl had run away and took no immediate action. Shauna’s family initiated their own search and just by chance on the third day she was spotted in the back seat of a car by her brother at a convenience store. Shauna was rescued but her abductors escaped. As it turns out, the girl’s â€Å"father† was really a convicted felon, and the girl, who had a record of prostitution in Texas, was an accomplice in the abduction. For three days Shauna was beaten and raped. She also contracted an STD. Her abductor told her he had sold her over the internet for $300,000. Fortunately, Shauna was rescued before the deal could take place. Many times the victims of human trafficking come in contact with local law enforcement, but because of a lack of training, the modern day slaves are not recognized as victims but viewed as perpetrators instead. The fear of reprisal against themselves or their family members keeps the victims from speaking out against traffickers. Consequently, they are willing to face arrest and jail time rather than the trafficker’s anger. Health care providers also come in contact with modern day slaves seeking treatment for injuries inflicted by the trafficker, labor induced injuries, or possibly an STD’s, yet will not recognize the patient as a victim of human trafficking because they are not trained to look for the appropriate signals. If more local law enforcement and health care providers receive proper training in identifying victims of human trafficking it would be easier to provide the right care and assistance as was the case for one 16 year old girl trafficked from Mexico. In one recently reported incident, a sixteen year old Mexican girl was found to have been trafficked across the US border. Doctors noticed the heavily pregnant girl showed clear signs of physical abuse when she was brought into a hospital in Dayton to give birth. The police were called but the couple who had brought her had already fled. When the girl’s story emerged, it became clear she had been kept against her will in the nearby city of Springfield and used for labor and sex. â€Å"I thought slavery ended a few centuries ago. But here it is alive and well,† said Springfield’s sheriff, Gene Kelly (Harris). During the late 1990’s the public’s interest in human trafficking issues grew and demands for stricter laws against it followed. In response to public demand, the United States government enacted the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act in the year 2000. This legislation was introduced to prevent trafficking, identify and protect victims, and prosecute offenders. Since 2000, forty two states have enacted their own anti-trafficking laws, yet the expected numbers of arrests and prosecutions not been met whether locally or on a federal level. Miriam Potocki, Director of the National Social Workers Association wrote an article in which she claims that since the date of enactment VTVPA, there has been little transparency or accountability in policy implementation; only a small number of immigrant victims have been identified, and there is almost no evidence regarding effectiveness of victim services, and prosecution is highly problematic. Fundamentally, because there is no rational approach to the policy implementation, public funds are wasted (Potocky). In conclusion, human trafficking violates a person’s inalienable right to freedom yet there are more victims today than 150 years ago and the United States is not doing enough to eliminate it. Stronger penalties are needed to deter individuals or groups from continuing to exploit victims and force them into slavery, either through forced labor, domestic servitude or sexual exploitation. Local law enforcement agencies as well as health care providers need to be better informed regarding human trafficking issues so they can readily spot victims as well as the traffickers. By providing better rescue and assistance programs for human trafficking victim the Unites States can set the standard for eliminating modern day slavery. President Barack Obama said it best, during his speech at the Clinton Global Initiative in September 2012 when he said, â€Å"Nations must speak with one voice– that our people and our children are not for sale† (â€Å"Obama†). (1645) Works Cited Diaz, Muriel et. al. â€Å"Globalization and Human Trafficking†. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 34. 2 (June 2007): p107. Academic OneFile. Web. 12 April, 2013 Feingold, David A. , â€Å"Human Trafficking†. Foreign Policy. No. 150. Newsweek Interactive (Sept. -Oct. , 2005), 26-30, 32. Web. Apr. 12, 2013 Harris, Paul. â€Å"Forced Labour and Rape, The New Face Of Slavery In America†. The Observer. 21 Nov. 2009. Academic OneFile Web. 12 April, 2013 Kotrla, K. â€Å"Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking In the United States† Social Work 55. 2 (2010): 181-187. Academic OneFile. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Maryland Couple Charged With Domestic Servitude Of Filipina Woman† States News Service 8 June 2011. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Apr. 2013 Megumi, Makisaka, â€Å"Human Trafficking: A Brief Overview†. WorldBank. org. No. 122/. December 2009. Academic OneFile. Web. Apr. 12, 2013. â€Å"Obama Calls Human Trafficking ‘Slavery,’ Announces New Measure†. StatesNewsService. 25 Sept. 2012. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. Palermo, George B. , â€Å"From Bad To Worse, A Note On Human Trafficking†, International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology, August, 2012, Vol. 56(5), p. 671-672, Web, Apr. 12, 2013. http://ijo. sagepub. com/ Potocki, Miriam. â€Å"The Travesty of Human Trafficking: A Decade Of Failed U. S. Policy†. Oxford University Press. Social Work. 55. 4 (Oct. 2010): p373. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Winterdyk, John, Philip, Reichel. â€Å"Introduction to Special Issue – Human Trafficking: Issues and Perspectives†. European Journal of Criminology. January 2010 vol. 7 no. 1 5-10. Web. April 12, 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

California's Diverse Population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

California's Diverse Population - Essay Example A diverse population becomes the defining characteristic of modern day California. This acceptance results in people co-existing within the same environment harmoniously. Within the process of living together, certain elements of the cultures become shared and learned between the people. Assimilation has been described as the process through which cultures begin to resemble one another through shared values and behaviours. The culture which results from assimilation has been compared to a molten pot or a bowl of salad because of the various elements which are involved. The aspect of a bowl of salad does not fully fit into the description of assimilation since it only signifies the co-existence of different cultural backgrounds within the same region. The multicultural societies can be perfectly described by the concept of a salad bowl where assimilation has not occurred. The melting pot concept also does not clearly describe the element of cultural assimilation. This is because despite the cultural elements becoming mixed up, there are still traces of the differences which define each culture (Sunday Review, 2014). The resulting culture becomes something different from all the rest, but the practices of each culture are not completely eliminated. Cultural assimilation can be defined as a process through which ones cultural practices begin to resemble the practices of another culture. The concept of assimilation describes effect which the changes have on both cultural background and in most cases results in the development of a unique culture among the people. This new culture carries traces of both cultural backgrounds and sometimes it could become a stronger culture. These cultural changes normally occur gradually over a long period of time until there can be a clearly distinct culture within the society (Le, 2014). The adoption of cultural values normally occurs spontaneously as a result of perceived cultural superiority of one

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Do you agree or disagree with the author go either way it does not Essay

Do you agree or disagree with the author go either way it does not matter to me - Essay Example It has captured the attention of other countries including the United States in labor force and technology. There is no doubt that China has the most sophisticate technologies and the fastest economic growth than any other state across the globe. It is also evident that China has strong military forces. Despite all these factors, I disagree with Gifford that China is the future super power. According to Uckert (1995, p. 9), China still face some major problems that hinder her from achieving this huge goal. This has been evident in the market since most of China’ economy has been continuously state owned. These state owned enterprises employ only one third of the urban Chinese workforce while about half of the enterprises run by the state are unprofitable. Although the Chinese government understands the situation, they are reluctant because they fear it will cause unemployment and social unrest. Second barrier is the population, which lowers its per capita income. To measure the economy of China, it will have to span a larger population which also affects its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Currently, the world GDP is growing at s rate of 4.5 %. The normal china’s economy currently is $3.2 trillion for it to lead every state it means that it has to grow at 11% continuously for 22 years which may not be possible because it has never grown beyond 10%. In addition to this, high population leads to unemployment and also forces the government to divert its investments to non productive sectors like housing consequently affecting its economic growth. Apart from that, it also leads to frequent distortion of price commodities, corruption and limited government revenues. All these factors are not indicators of future super powers. Currently, the relationship between the state and the society in china is not healthy due to unequal distribution of resources. There is great disparity between wages and standards of living among the Chinese citizens,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Business Environment - Essay Example Business also stabilizes the country’s currency through exports which counters the imports brought in the country. Governments also levy goods that are exported out of the country making it possible for it to invest in projects that will spearhead growth of the economy (Begg, 2001). One of the roles of businesses in the economy is the circulation of currency in the economy. The movement of money is what is called the velocity of money in the economy. This helps in reducing the rate of inflation rate in the country which has adverse effect on the growth of the economy (Begg, 2001). When the velocity of money in the economy is high, the rate of growth in the economy is also is high. Therefore, businesses play an important role in sustaining the economy of the country. Business also offers commodities and services to the public by making them to be easily accessible to them. It ensures that goods and services are available to consumers in the right time, at the right place and at the right quantity (Denby, 2010). This ensures that there is coordination on every part of the economy regardless of its position. The ease with, which products can reach the market and be consumed, can always bring economic prosperity, which is the dream of most governments. Business therefore, plays a crucial role in sustaining the population of the country therefore creating a serene environment for the public to venture in other economic growing activities. The urge of the profit organization to make maximize profits sustains the level of supply and demand. These forces enable the economy to remain stable as high demand results from deficit while low demand is as a result of low surplus. Increased profits by the organizations especially from exports play a crucial role in increasing savings by the banks which are later used to lend to banks customers. This capital is used in

Friday, July 26, 2019

A report on what your local banker says he or she can do to help you Research Paper

A report on what your local banker says he or she can do to help you get paid from abroad by customers of your new small export - Research Paper Example Following section will discuss as to what our local banker can offer to us as an exporting company. Financing Facilities for Exporting Company During our discussion with the banker, we came to know that an exporting company can have access to different sources of finance to help it achieve its overall organizational objectives. First source of finance identified by our banker was for the purpose of meeting our working capital requirements including sourcing raw materials, managing our receivables as well as paying our overheads and salaries. Our banker informed us that exporters often enjoy concessionary rates of interest on such working capital facilities because they help bring the country the precious foreign exchange which is essential for managing balance of payments of a country. The export related financing for meeting our working capital requirements however, was related with our ability to take the new orders and financing, according to banker, will be limited to the amount of orders we receive. Another important source of finance identified by our banker was the discounting of letter of credits which we receive from our buyers in international market. As one of the conditions of our dealings, we will ask our customers to open a letter of credit in our favor thus providing us added security and safety.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Profile of a language group present in the Los Angeles area Research Paper

Profile of a language group present in the Los Angeles area - Research Paper Example They were sourced to meet the growing demand for labor on the Hawaiian plantations following the enactment of a series of laws that barred Chinese labor immigration. Students and political exiles comprised some of the ancient Korean immigrants, providing considerable leadership in the pre-World War II Korean American community. The intervention of America in the Korean War (1950-53) prompted another wave of Korean immigration. US soldiers posted in Korea brought home Korean brides, planned adoption of Korean War orphans to American homes and sponsored students to study in America. The population of Koreans who have immigrated to America as adopted children or brides exceeds 100000 for each group. The students who were now professionals were able to apply for permanent residence visas in the US in 1965.close relatives of permanent residents and citizens greatly increased the number of Korean immigrants LA .Over a quarter million Korean Americans live in the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County-San Bernardino-Ventura metro area. According to the U.S. Korean Embassy, there are about 260 Korean community language schools in the Los Angeles area. The Korean language is taught as a subject mainly in colleges and universities in LA .University of California-Los Angeles (405 los Angeles, CA 90095 Hilgard Avenue) is one such college .The institution has a Korean language department and a center for Korean studies offering Korean at degree level. Korean language is taught in many other institutions of higher learning as a foreign language. Korean American children have inadequate prospects of developing bilingualism in today’s US educational system. Heritage language education is available in the form of weekend schools; these are community-based programs offering language/culture instruction for a couple of hours per week. Most Korean community schools are run by Korean Christian churches, with the staff mainly comprising volunteers from the community. These

HR class wirtting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR class wirtting - Essay Example Employee engagement leads to â€Å"better customer outcomes, employee retention and increased productivity and these are what every organization needs in order to thrive† (Hein, 2014). Employers should focus on the recency, frequency, duration, virality and ratings to be able to understand and analyze their engagement levels. Some of the tips in improving employee engagement include finding out what motivates the employees; setting goals and sharing organizational vision; constructing feedback on a regular basis; hiring the right managers; setting clear expectations; empowering employees; and gamification among others (Hein, 2014). Gamification is one of the useful tools used in an organization and it has many key metrics including employee engagement. It is one of the most effective ways to motivate employees thereby leading to greater satisfaction and higher productivity and performance in an organization (Hein, 2014). Generally, employee engagement is considered one of the most important and effective strategies to increase worker’s performance and productivity in an organization. It is one of the approaches designed at the workplace to ensure that all employees are committed to the organization’s goals and values. Notably, being committed to the organizational goals enables employees to enhance organization’s success and well-being. Engagement is a two-way relationship between the employer and employees. That is, engagement involves what employees think and feel about their employers, their emotional connection and their actions and perceptions of their colleagues and clients. Those organizations that consider employee engagement have strong established values, trust and fairness and mutual respect among members and the needs of every employee is understood and fulfilled accordingly. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to organiza tional success

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Difference between Judicial activism and Judicial restraint Essay

Difference between Judicial activism and Judicial restraint - Essay Example In Judicial restraint, the Supreme Court, as well as the judges from other lower courts occasionally, construe to the constitution in a manner that the policies placed by the Federal Government and the state governments are always taken into consideration (Lowi, 2012). This implies that the decisions arrived at by the judges should acknowledge the limits of power of those in authority. Judicial activism, on the other hand, does not recognize the limits of power. This is major because the judges tend to construe the Constitution based on their own philosophies, which is a practice that many times results in interpretive fidelity.I believe the US Supreme Court should embrace judicial restraint rather than judicial activism. This is major because, in as much as we subject the judges of our land to quality and inclusive training, decisions should normally be arrived on based on what is entrenched in the Constitution. In addition, judicial activism, which allows judges to arrive at decisions based on their own perceptions may result in laws being manipulated to satisfy the interests of given individuals. In addition, an unconstitutional practice, which if left unattended to, would render our constitution useless with time.An example of a case where judicial restraint was duly practiced was District of Columbia vs. Heller case, which was decided in 2008 after a nine-year duration (Lowi Ginsberg, Shepsle, & Ansolabehere, 2012). The matter of contention in the case was whether the D.C code.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Feminist analysis of the film pretty woman Research Paper

Feminist analysis of the film pretty woman - Research Paper Example The first wave is mainly referred to women’s suffrage, the second wave is associated with the liberation movement of women and the third one is related and can be felt through the continuation of the movement through the reaction evolved in the field of art and literature and perceived as the failure of the second-wave of feminism which began in the 1990s. The first wave of feminism is related with suffrage movements of the nineteenth and first-half of the twentieth century. This particular wave in the feminist movement was concerned with the women’s right to vote. The second wave of feminism began in 1960s and was related with the major focus on women liberation which campaigned for the equality of women in legal and social front. In cultural context, feminist film, art or literature evolves out of the movement and forms its four distinct principles pertaining to four schools of thoughts. Also sometimes pieces of art, literature or aesthetics are judged and viewed from the feminist perspective. The same perspective can be judged after giving a close introspection to the film â€Å"Pretty Woman† which appeared on the silver screen in the year 1990 as a romantic comedy written by J. F. Lawton and directed by Garry Marshall. The film stars casted Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in the leading roles along with Hector Elizondo and many others. The plot of the movie centres round the down-on-her-luck prostitute from Hollywood, Vivian Ward who acts as an escort to the rich businessman Edward Lewis for a week in his business trip. The story is all about their brief period of staying together and their growing relationships. This film can be viewed from a strong feminist bent and all the four critical theories and principles of feminism somewhere peep through the lighter plot of the film. Thesis Statement This essay tends to analyse myriad subtle and intricate feminist perspectives and interpretations entwined within the plot of the film. The essay also intends to discuss the critical role of the four principles of feminism operating throughout the film. Pretty Woman: A Feminist Discourse The plot of the film centres round seduction; love and its development of a Hollywood prostitute Vivian with a robot like multi-millionaire, Edward Lewis. At the outset of the movie we are introduced to a woman who is not doing well with her business of prostitution. The body of Vivian (played by Julia Roberts) is subjected or rather exposed for material pleasure and as a prostitute, Vivian sells her body and her body is likely to be viewed as a mere commodity. The critical theory of liberal feminism plays well here. According to the theory or principle, the parameter of gender prejudice is based on the individual ignorance. And education is seen as the key tool against the battle for gender discrimination (Sociology, â€Å"Feminism: Basic Principles†). In the film, the prostitute Vivian is not educated and so she is compelled to choos e a profession where no much brain work is needed. But during her stay with Edward Lewis we can hear few real wise statements from her which proves her intelligence. Also Vivian at the first acquaintance with any person irrespective of men or women gives the option that she is ready to be called by the name that the other person pleases. This kind of an instruction clearly indicates a threat to the existence of Vivian as an entity and creates an existential crisis for her. With Vivian,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Living Green Essay Example for Free

Living Green Essay We Can Improve Our Current Ecological Crisis By Living Green   by: Marcus Wilson Our world continues to deteriorate as natural cataclysms, nuclear power plant issues and general apathy evokes havoc. This earth will soon be gone unless its citizens make an effort to do something about it. There is a climbing population, there is corruption, and there is big time pollution. The best thing for people today is to turn to green living. Many people do not actually understand what living green is all about. Anything that you do that produces a beneficial effect on the environment is green living. These are things that we must do so that the younger generation will have a healthy earth to live. The ultimate goal for green living is to have the Earth in ecological balance. Not only that, but green living cleanses the surroundings by flushing toxins out of the environment. When we decide to live green, our earth will be a better place for everyone and we can maintain it for a very long time. Nature itself is fighting to keep its balance as it is being attacked from all sides. There are numerous places in the world where water is decreasing. Nowadays we live in a concrete jungle, with the elimination of numerous forests and trees, that there are hardly any trees or plants around. There is a great deal of pollution, and the air is so awful, that when commuting from one place to another, it is tough to travel the distance without being grimy on arrival. Our children or grandchildren will live in a world where oil or trees dont exist anymore and the earth would fall apart. Each day, our world is slowly being obliterated but no one appears to be paying attention. Our society is being assailed by the many disturbances in the world. Our planet is struggling to deal with the ecological crisis, global recession and fiscal crisis. Each day money is being spent on frivolous things while crucial issues are being neglected. Very little money is being used on improving the health of our planet or promoting green living. What steps do we need to take so that we are in the habit of being green. Can work together and conserve water, use less power and plant new trees. Are we making an attempt to clean up the environment for later generations? Is everyone on the planet doing their best to reduce pollution? Is the number of men and women who love green enough to protect our succeeding generations? There is not a lot of time that remains so we need to work right away to live green.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Construction Planning

Importance of Construction Planning Construction planning and preparation play a very important role in todays construction. The effectiveness of the planning and preparation lead to the success of a project including the quality and time consumed in completing the project. A good and properly planned construction site can improve the efficiency and even the safety of the construction operation. Therefore, to construct a good building, the step of planning cannot be eliminated or skipped in order to save the construction time and money. A 20 storeys of high-rise building is to be built on the proposed site at Jalan Universiti Utama. It is planned to be used as the highest building of condominium. Before the construction is started, a several stages of preparation have been conducted in order to have the most efficient construction operation. PREPARATION STAGES 1. SITE INVESTIGATION First and foremost, a site investigation on the proposed site is conducted. Desktop study is conducted where the initial study is done using the available data and information given by JKR. Time and money can be saved due to desktop study on the proposed site. Based on the historical data, no extreme weather is expected. Then, the site investigation is conducted to decide whether the site is generally suitable to build the 20 storeys building as different location has different types of geology and geography. Previous data may not be accurate as the properties of soil keep changing due to the environment. Boring method has been done to identify the soil profile. The condition and contents of proposed site soil can be identified. Laboratory tests are conducted to determine the soil bearing strength. Based on the results, soil on the proposed site is strong enough to support the 20 storeys building. However, special dewatering equipment and blasting are required for the preparation of site. Analysis of site data is as below: Site is in urban area = no transport and labor problems Subsoil = firm sandy clay; dewatering and sheeting are needed as the water table is high Based on historical data, no extreme weather expected Amount of earthwork needed = normal 3 resident clerk of works; 15 workers normal; 75 workers maximum (estimated) 1 site office; 1 store; 2 toilets; 1 canteen; 1 car park Fencing Guard house Water, electricity, telephone Warning and sign boards 2. SITE PREPARATION Firstly, site clearing and demolition activities are conducted where tree, stump and all vegetation are removed and exist buildings are demolished. This is followed by earthworks activity, where a massive quantities of soil need to be moved. Volumes of cuts and fills are calculated properly in order to minimize the movement distance besides determine the mass haul cost and distance. Time and money can be saved. Bulldozer and backhoe are used during the earthworks. After all the earthworks activity have been done, fences are built around the proposed site perimeter. Perimeter fencing is important to ensure that the construction can be operated safely. Dewatering is then conducted in order to drain the ground water due to the high location of water table. Next, temporary buildings included site office, canteen, guard house, store, toilets and car park are built to improve the efficiency of construction operation. Temporary access road, water, electricity, phone and air conditioning are ensured available to optimize the efficiency of construction works. Finally, sign boards and warning boards are placed at the certain places to make sure that no intruder breaks into the construction site besides to ensure the safety during the construction operation. BY-LAW Periodic inspection will be carried out by the Authority during further construction. A report of each inspection shall be prepared in duplicate and a copy of the same report signed by the Authority shall be given to the owner or to his Architect/Engineer/Supervisor. Besides, owner shall submit a notice of completion of the building to the Authority. It may also submitted by the owner through his Architect/Engineer/Supervisor, accompanied by three copies of completion plan and the required documents. CONCLUSION In a conclusion, a construction stages are included site preparations, construct of sub-structures, construct of super-structures and external works. All these stages are equally important in order to optimize the efficiency of a construction operation in any industries area. SITE LAY-OUT One of the purposes of a site lay-out is to control and to increase the site efficiency. Time wastage need to be avoided by minimizing the walking distance within facilities and buildings. On the other hand, strategic material storage and usage are needed to minimize rehandling cost, breakage and wastage. Site lay-out is also needed in order to maximize the site and space utilization. Other than that, appropriate material monitoring and security can improve the efficiency of construction operation. Last but not least, the purpose of the site lay-out is to ensure the safety of workers and visitors.   Based on the above lay-out, there are several weaknesses of the site lay-out need to be improved. Firstly, there is only one entrance/exit in this site, which can cause negative effects to the construction operation. Construction operation may be delayed due to the traffic congestion at the entrance/exit. Two gates should be constructed where one is for entrance while the other is for exit. Secondly, store in the above site lay-out is located near the entrance. This may also cause traffic congestion when loading/unloading of building materials is operated. Besides, toilets that located beside the store may lead to pollution to the material if there is water leaking or overflowing in the toilet. Thirdly, the project signboard should be located near the entrance instead of inside the site. This is to ensure that visitors can find the place and get to know the information of the proposed building easily. Furthermore, the guard house should situate near the entrance and exit in order to manage the safety of the site. No intruder should break into the site for the safety of visitors and also workers. Lastly, car park is located too far away from the entrance where visitors need to pass by the construction building in order to park their vehicles. Their lives may be threatened as accidents rate in construction site is extremely high. Safety first! This site is operated by Academic Computing, Centre for Information Communication Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Todays Hits : 44,517 Total Hits : 1,060,524

What Is Sustainable Packaging Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is Sustainable Packaging Environmental Sciences Essay In this section I am looking at current views and definitions of the industry on sustainable packaging. An article from the Sustainable Packaging Alliance claims that: There is no clear understanding internationally, about what constitutes sustainable packaging. Policy initiatives have tended to focus on resource and waste reduction and recycling, for example the current European Packaging Directive. (Sustainable Packaging Alliance, 2002) This is backed up by the Federal Trade Commission who justifies this with the fact that sustainable packaging is a fairly new factor for the environmental considerations for packaging. (Environmental Marketing Claims, 2011) There are a few approaches here that are worth considering to define sustainable packaging. Sustainable packaging is defined by The World Commission on Environment and Development as: Developments that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) What they are meaning by this is sustainable packaging can only be sustainable if at the last stage of the design cycle when the packaging has fulfilled its primary function the user can reuse the packaging for a secondary function which this in turn will decrease the environmental and ecological footprint. Jedlicka (2009) believes that you just cant tunnel vision yourself down to the final product you have to have a look at the whole picture of supply chains; from simple design functions, to marketing and all the way through to the conclusion of its life cycle then back to its rebirth. The European Commission talks about how sustainable packaging will require more analysis and documentation to look at the actual package design, the materials that are used and the whole picture of the packagings life cycle. (Environmental Marketing Claims, 2011) Bolyston (2009) has a different view and he belives that sustainable packaging dependant on the amount of sustainable energy used in each stage of the packagings life cycle. The term life cycle means the product goes through a series of stages that mold and develop the product. The life cycle would consider all of the factors from the raw materials to how its manufactured, leading onto how its distributed which finally guides it to the use and disposal of it. Throughout all of these stages there would be various transport methods used to move the product onto its next stage. To summarize all of these steps and stages is called the life cycle of the product. It is essential to look at the life cycle of packaging in order to ascertain areas and opportunities in which the packagings sustainability can be improved. Figure 8 is a diagram of the packagings life cycle from The Sustainable Packaging Coalition; this diagram aims to provide guidelines and principles for the development of sustainable packaging. The Sustainable Packaging Coalition claim that they have set themselves the mission to advocate and communicate a positive robust environmental option for sustainable packaging through functional packaging materials and systems that endorse economic and environmental supply chains. The Sustainable Packaging Coalition characterizes sustainable packaging as follows: Is sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy Meets market criteria for performance and cost Maximizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials Is beneficial, safe and healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and or industrial closed loop cycles Is made from materials healthy in all probable end of life scenarios Are manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices. (Sustainable Packaging Coalition, 2010) Figure 8. Diagram of packaging product life cycles The diagram above shows the process and steps involved for packaging. It starts at the raw materials and goes to the end user. Each step in this cycle requires a form of energy but according to Boylston there are ways to cut this and reduce the amounts used. Sustainability relies on lots of different factors involved at each of these stages; these factors need to be identified in order to address them with the correct measures. For example if we look at stewardship, this is vital for helping to safeguard the environment and protecting the employees that are extracting the materials. The less distance the materials can travel in the life cycle the better, because this will mean it has taken less petrol on transportation. If we look at another aspect of using renewable energy at each stage this will add to make the packaging more sustainable. Reusability and recycling systems or compostability of packaging can additionally enhance sustainability. (Boylston, 2009) Figure 9. Diagram of packagings upstream and downstream impacts. If we take a look at the packaging product life cycle in a linear view we can additionally distinguish between upstream impacts from the extraction of the raw materials until the packaging is passed across to the consumer which is the downstream impacts, these are considered to be the impacts that occur through using the packaging and the steps leading to the end of its life. An example of this is the amounts of energy required for the recycling process at the end of the packagings life. The different recycling methods used are composting, littering, and other possibilities are waste-to-energy plants which means energy can be produced again from the waste product. A life cycle assessment is commonly used as a tool to analyse the life cycle of packaging. The aim of a life cycle assessment is to compare the full range of social and environmental damages, which can be identified to products or services, so least troublesome one, can be selected. There are lots of different types of life cycle assessments know with different scopes. The scope varies from cradle to gate to cradle to cradle approaches and furthermore there are types such as the LCA process that addresses the environmental inputs and outputs compared to other approaches that address the economic inputs and outputs. Now that I have described the packaging life cycle, we furthermore need to mention that companies such as 3M or Wal-Mart are currently developing their own definition or guide lines that drive sustainable packaging within their supply chain. Wal-Mart claims, its primary target is to be packaging neutral by 2025, this means that all packaging recovered or recycled at their stores will be equal to the amount of packaging used by the products in the shelves. Wal-Mart has introduced a set of guiding principles called the Seven Rs to help them achieve their target. These Principles are: Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Renew(able), Recycle(able), Revenue and Read. Relative to this Wal-Mart have introduced a packaging scorecard, this is a measurement tool that allows suppliers to evaluate themselves relative to other suppliers, based on specific metrics. The metrics in the scorecard evolved from a list of favorable attributes announced earlier this year, known as the 7 Rs of Packaging. (Wal-Mart, Sc, 2009) 3M uses Packaging criteria in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency, this is much the same as Wal-Mart. 3M have set minimizing packaging waste as there top aim and they are have now realised that the most waste is coming from unused raw materials, this is not just bad for the environment but is not very economical. 3M began by attempting to eliminate as much waste as possible through pollution prevention, and then the remaining waste was reused, recycled, converted to energy, or incinerated to create new energy. Regardless of the packaging life cycle assessment, there are related analytical methodologies such as ecological footprint, which is calculated by comparing the biological resources available in a given region to resource demands of a population. The network of users of the Global Footprint Network has developed standards. The standards are available on in order to help to address calculation nuances, including conversions, measure of land/sea parcels, addressing nuclear power, varying data sources, import/export data and biodiversity among others. (Global Footprint Network, 2012) Another well-known footprint is the carbon footprint, which represents a subset of the ecological footprint and of the more comprehensive life cycle assessment. Laws and Regulations that effect packaging? Regulations are there to give companies a target or a direction to head towards. There is directive 94/62/EC set by European Commission Environment that is aimed to harmonize packaging waste, on the one hand trying to stop or prevent the damage of packaging to the environment and on the other hand they dont want to restrict or distort the competition within the community. It also contains provisions on the prevention of packaging waste, on the re-use of packaging and on the recovery and recycling of packaging waste. (European Parliament and Council Directive, 2010) These regulations or directives have focused on waste reduction and resources but they have failed to look at the social impacts of packaging. Boylston points out that we have a bigger problem to overcome before we more towards more sustainable packaging and that is with todays companies growing in size there is an inclination towards specializing, this only breaks up the different departments and isolates them. So the different department end up very incoherent with each other so they lose the connectivity between all the sectors. An example of this would be the packaging designer working next to the graphic designer, this is so they can communicate and work as a team. Materials Sustainable packaging relies upon the correct material choices. I will be conducting an investigation to look at the quantities of packaging waste along with the variety of materials that end up as waste. In addition to this I will expand and do further research on paper and plastics. Looking at the solid waste report from 2010 from the European Environmental Agency it is clear to me that out of 250 million tons of waste 30% is from containers and packagings and this is before recycling. The second pie chart indicates that paper and plastics biggest supplies to waste. Figure 10 Figure 11 The recycling and composting of packaging prevented 85.1 million tons of material away from being disposed of 2010, up from 15 million tons in 1980. This prevented the release of approximately 186 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent into the air this is the equivalent to taking 36 million cars off the road for a whole year! (European Environmental Agency, 2013) Paper The consumption of paper on a global scale is more than 350 million tons per year, that is a massive 1 million tons per day and if it takes roughly 17 trees to make one ton of paper. So its not unpredictable that the paper industry are accountable for about 40% of commercial harvesting of wood, and now trying to terrorize the last few rainforests which contain and provide a habitat for the endangered species. Jedlicka states, The paper industry is the fourth largest greenhouse gas contributor among manufacturers and a huge consumer of energy. Furthermore the paper production is associated with toxic bleaching procedures. (Jedlicka, 2009) The benefits far outrun the bad points of paper. Paper is a very versatile material; this is why it is used for packaging. The added benefits for using paper as packaging is its lightweight and easily printed on and yet it can do all this and still be durable and are easily recycled. There are more alternatives for what paper can be made from it doesnt have to be wood it can be made of hemp, kenaf straw, switch grass and it can be made from a variety or pulped fibers from plants. As bloylston describes about the massive quantities of paper that out there in the world, all of which require a high level of post-consumer waste (PWC) paper stock choices should entail the biggest priority. Paper can be recycled up to seven times. (Bolyston, 2009) One tonne of recycled paper will save seventeen trees, seven thousand gallons of water, three cubic metres of landfill space, two barrels of oil and four thousand one hundred kilowatts of electricity. The recycled paper uses sixty percent less energy to produce then ordinary paper; the energy saved would be enough to run the average home for six months. (Statistics from Recycle, 2013) In order for there to be more paper packaging, the designers have to support this. The Environmental Protection Agency has made some recommendations which will help to make packaging more sustainable, these recommendations are to use less material, eliminating toxic constituents and making it more readily recyclable (Environmental Protection Agency, 2013) Plastic Plastic packaging plays a huge role in today society, you can see this when walking around supermarkets and the selves are full of plastic containers. The word plastic is the common name given to the synthetic organic polymers. As defined plastics are usually made from high polymer mass they can contain other materials to make it cheaper or to improve its performance. There are two main types of plastic, thermosetting and thermoplastics. Thermosetting plastics can only be heated up and shaped once; because once they go cold they stay solid. Unlike Thermoplastics, which soften and melt when around enough heat, these can be shaped multiple times when heat is applied. Jedlika says that plastics have many benefits such as it is lightweight, durable, provides a gas and moisture barrier and can sometimes retain its recycling value. (Jedlika, 2009) The reason plastics are so popular is because its versatile and easy to manufacture with it is also is unaffected by water. A down side to plastic is the additives used can make the plastic toxic and materials flow is for downcycling instead of true recycling. The recycling rate of plastic has stabilized at around 25%, but this isnt an adequate amount compared to the amount that is newly produced. One ton of recycled plastic will save about five thousand seven hundred and seventy four Kilowatt-hours of energy, six hundred and eighty five gallons of oil and about thirty pounds of air pollutants. (Statistics from Recycling Bank, 2013) There is a new alternative to petrol-based plastics, which is more environmentally friendly plastic called bioplastics. These plastics are biodegradable and are created from renewable sources such as potatoes or beets and corn. Boylston argues, nevertheless, bioplastics also need the facilities for collection and must not derive from needed food sources (Boylston, 2009) There is a huge quantity of materials that could be used for packaging. There is so much information about new packaging materials and the different technologies available that there are dedicated websites and forums full of up to date information and regulations. To wrap up this section I have come to the conclusion that sustainable packaging is not just about the materials its made from but you have to look at the bigger picture just as Jedlika states If a designer just picks a random material out of his or her list of magic green materials and doesnt actually know why the material is environmentally friendly, or even how it is applied correctly, then the replaced material can cause impacts far worse. (Jedlika, 2009) Case studies and Primary research I have selected to do my case studies on these companies because they show how different sized sectors either contribute or counteract sustainable packaging. The aim of this section is not to compare to determine a 100% sustainable packaging but to look how their business delivers profitable value, the environmental improvements and customer satisfaction. Firstly, Waitrose supermarkets are a food retailer in England; they have been part of The John Lewis Partnership since 1937, the first Waitrose supermarket opened in 1955. Waitrose is one of Englands leading supermarket retailers employing over 37,000 people. Waitrose has a total of 280 branches throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Locations range from high streets to the edge of towns; the stores vary in size too. The company is dedicated to offering quality, value and customer service. In terms of packaging Waitrose has aimed to reduce food packaging by fifty percent by 2016/17, based on like for like usage since 2005. (John Lewis, 2012) Secondly, Innocent is a drinks company based in England and was founded in 1999. The companies main business is from making fruit smoothies, a selection of fruit juices and vegetable pots, all of these products are all sold in a wide range of supermarkets and tearooms nationally. Considering the company started at a music festival, they have grown substantially over the years and are now expanding into the European market. They have set their targets high when trying to be sustainable; they have achieved this by infusing sustainability into the packaging from the beginning. The company also likes to act ethically in all areas of the company. (Innocent drinks, 2012) Conclusion Within the argument of this dissertation I have tried to produce an evenhanded discourse on the implications of sustainable packaging with both positive and negative views. The research has indicated that there is enough evidence for sustainable packaging to be used in companies furthermore it will also benefit the environment and society. The research question I set out to answer was is sustainable packaging viable given the current economic and political climate.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

You Can be a Good Christian and Read Harry Potter :: Harry Potter Essays

You Can be a Good Christian and Read Harry Potter When my family and I bought tickets for the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, released shortly before Thanksgiving, my dad reminded me of one thing. â€Å"Just †¦don’t mention it to your relatives, when they come down for Thanksgiving,† he cautioned. â€Å"If your relatives say anything negative about Harry Potter, just try to be diplomatic. Don’t start a fight,† was my mother’s request. Harry Potter is a very sensitive issue to many people, especially now that a movie has been made, based on the first book – a movie that broke almost all US box office records as flocks of people came to watch it. The movie alone brought in just under one hundred million dollars in the first week (Brook). In addition, J.K. Rowling’s first four Harry Potter books (there are three more books planned in the series) have kept her on the bestseller list for the last four years. Each book has sold over a million copies (BBC News Online). As a reader and lover of the books, and a fan of the movie, I am naturally interested in the Harry Potter controversy, which centers on some individuals, notably in the Christian community, who are concerned that the Harry Potter books are spiritually dangerous to their children. Many have even gone so far as to claim that the books are inherently evil, and J.K. Rowling’s intent, in writing the books, was to desensitize, and furthermore attract children to the occult. But while some in the Christian community have sharply criticized the books, others have given them high praise, leaving many parents concerned and confused. The primary concern surrounding Harry Potter books seems to be that they are being marketed almost exclusively to children, yet present witchcraft throughout the story as an attractive, and even desirable thing (John Mark Ministries). The opposition to the books claim that this is causing a rise of interest in youth toward the occult, as well as opening our young people up to the influences of the Enemy (namely, Satan).

Friday, July 19, 2019

germany Essay -- essays research papers

Germany is a country located in Central Europe, which is officially named the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland). On October 3, 1990 Germany's East and West became one nation under unification, the capital city now being Berlin. Germany has the second largest population in Europe with eighty two million, next to that of the Soviet Union. Germany's land borders are with Denmark on the north, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemborg, and France on the west, Switzerland and Austria on the south, and Czechoslovakia and Poland on the east and southeast. The present leader of Germany is Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who was elected October 27, 1998 and is now serving his second term in office. Germany's currency is the "Euro," which is a common currency among twelve other European nations. Germany's flag consists of three equal horozontal strips of black, red, and gold. The flag symbolizes German unity. Germans believe the colors in the flag have a meaning, blac k represents "out of the darkness," red represents "through blood", and finally gold which represents "into sunshine." The flag was adopted in 1990 when East and West Germany unified. Major German cities include: Berlin (3.4 million), Hamburg (1.7 million), MÃ ¼nchen (Munich)(1.2 million), KÃ ¤ln(Cologne)(964,000), Frankfurt, Essen, DÃ ¼sseldorf, Stuttgart, Dresden, Hanover, and Bonh. All these major cities have a wonderful cultural history; consisting of over two-hundred theatres and opera houses, one-hundred large orchestras, and more than two-thousand museums amongst them. Most of the cultural ongoings in Germany are financed by the state and local governments. Music plays an important role in Germany's culture with such well-known artists as: Johann Sebastian Bach, Georger Frederick Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig von Beethoven, Felix Mendelssohn, and Franz Schubert. Germans take great pride in the long list of great people who made music famous both in Germany and around the world. German people also enjoy sports and recreation; the most popular of which is soccer called Fussball. A favorite winter sport is skiing. Germany consists of four major land regions: the Northern Plains, the Central Highlands, the Alpine Foothills, and the Rhine River Valley. Ma... (Gymnasium). Students who finish secondary school usually become apprentices for three years, so they can learn a trade. There are one-hundred ninety five universities, and other institutions of higher learning in Germany, as well as, more than twenty five art and music academies. The 2003 literary rate in Germany was 99%; therefore, proving a highly successful educational system. Germany has an extensive system of social security and welfare. It covers old-age pensions, unemployment (2005 unemployment rate is 4.8 million), sickness benefits, allowences for injury, rent, and child care, as well as, grants for education and job training. About one-third of Germany's gross national product is spent on social security. Germany also suffers from a housing shortage, and rents remain high.Most people live in apartnments, while few people own homes, since land is very expensive. Germany is a strong force in Europe, which has many good cultural, educational, and social ideas. The United States and Germany have maintained a good relationship over the years, and hopefully will continue to do so.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Existentialism Essay -- essays research papers

Jean-Paul Sartre says "man is nothing else but what he makes of himself" (762). This existentialist view depicts the idea that one is not based on the essence of a soul, but rather, based on decisions made throughout life. Sartre also believes that every man is responsible for all men. One may choose his marriage partner, however, in choosing to marry, one chooses monogamy. Decisions that individuals make will collectively create a set of principles and beliefs for all of man. Many people believe that a person’s decisions are a reflection of his soul and personality. However, it is more likely that the conclusion a person reaches is due to the influence of different ideas, as well as the circumstances surrounding the choices. One does not have an innate "essence", but instead, the choices that a person makes constantly shape his character, which in turn creates his essence. Decision-making is based on many different conditions and controlling factors that exist at the time of conflict. People take into consideration the thoughts and opinions of others, hindering the idea of an individual’s essence. If an essence really existed, another person’s thoughts would not affect someone else’s. Instead, a person makes choices from birth and the different decisions that one chooses form a pattern and creates one’s character. Sartre also says, "Man is nothing else than his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing ...

Corporate Strategy

MGMT611: Strategy Natalya Vinokurova Corporate Strategy Session 15 1 Corporate Scope Corporate center Division A in industry a Division B in industry b Division C in industry c Division D in industry d – The average U. S. Fortune 500 company operates in four different industries – Diversification is even more prominent in other parts of the world †¢ Grupos, chaebol, business houses, keiretsu, and so on – Poor corporate strategy is common â€Å"Excite, one of the leading Internet services companies, yesterday [received a] takeover offer from Zapata, a Texas-based group with holdings in marine protein and food packaging companies.Citing the â€Å"excellent fit with Zapata’s new strategic direction,† Avram Glazer, Zapata’s chief executive officer, said the proposed transaction â€Å"makes sense for Excite’s shareholders because of the capital resources that Zapata can bring to Excite. † Financial Times, May 22, 1998 2 What di versified corporation did this become? 3 Decomposition of Variance in Profitability: Evidence from the United States Year 2% Industry 18% Corporate parent 4% Transient 46% †¢ In the U. S. corporate strategy is typically the icing on the cake, not the cake itself – Business units must be competitive on their own merits – †¦in attractive industries †¢ But the icing can make the decisive difference between a good cake and a bad one Business segment 30% Note: Ignores covariance terms; based on 58,132 observations of 12,296 business segments in 628 industries in the United States Source: Anita M. McGahan and Michael E. Porter, â€Å"How Much Does Industry Matter Really? † Strategic Management Journal, 1997 4Decomposition of Variance in Profitability: Evidence from 14 Emerging Economies †¢ In much of the rest of the world, corporate strategy is more prominent †¢ Membership in a diversified entity has a larger effect on profitability †¢ Th e effect on profitability is more likely to be positive Source: Tarun Khanna and Jan W. Rivkin, â€Å"Estimating the Performance Effects of Business Groups in Emerging Markets,† Strategic Management Journal, 2000 Countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey Litmus Test of Corporate Strategy †¢ Is the combination of all businesses of the firm worth more than the sum of how much each business is worth individually? – The answer could be less, e. g. J. C. Penney telemarketing division was worth 3X the market value of the entire firm †¢ When deciding whether or not to acquire another business, you need to decide BOTH – whether you have a competitive advantage running that business – AND how it will contribute to the fit among the other 6 businesses you are runningAcrobat Document 7 The Walt Disney Company: Stock Price vs. S&P 500, 1984-1994 8 The Walt Disney Company: Stock Price vs. S&P 500, 1995-2005 9 Two big problems 1. Growth at all costs: †¢ This is an example of what happens when a solid corporate strategy meets an aggressive growth goal 2. Mismatch between strategy and organizational structure: †¢ You can have a corporation with businesses that are closely connected like the classic Disney businesses and then run the businesses together in a tightly integrated way.That can work. †¢ You can have a corporation with the broader scope of later Disney and run them in a loosely coupled way. That can work. †¢ But if you have a corporation with the broader scope of later Disney and run them like the classic Disney, with heavy-handed management from the top, searching for synergy that doesn’t really exist†¦then you get into trouble. – In 2005, ABC President Robert Iger replaces Eisner 10 The Walt Disney Company: Stock Price vs. S&P 500, 2005-2012 11 The Walt Disney Company: Take-aways Co re lessons of corporate-level strategy †¢ Competition occurs at the level of the business unit †¢ Corporate strategy is a success or failure to the extent that it enhances business unit competitive advantage – Is the relative gap between WTP and cost larger than it would be otherwise? †¢ Two tests: – Better-off: Does the presence of the corporation in a given market improve the total competitive advantage of business units over and above what they could achieve on their own? (What’s the added value of the corporation? – Ownership: Does ownership of the business unit produce a greater competitive advantage than an alternative arrangement would produce? †¢ A corporation is more likely to pass the tests when it has some shared resource that (a) creates competitive advantage for the business units and (b) is difficult to trade efficiently via the market – E. g. , access to animated characters – Making business units â€Å"be tter off† sounds easy, but it typically requires sophisticated structures, systems, and processes, plus cultural supports 12 Corporate strategy entails trade-offsEither focus on†¦ or focus on†¦ Guidance on the Projects Overall Grading †¢ The project must cover all three components of the class – Human and Social Capital – Strategy – Multinational Management Components of Grade (NOT equally weighted) †¢ Use of frameworks (most important issue) †¢ Quality of research †¢ Innovativeness/Insight of analysis †¢ Integration of different components of class †¢ Quality of communication 14 †¢ ? of grade will be based on presentation; ? on final project write up †¢ We will also use a peer assessment to adjust the grade for effort put in by each team memberA Word on Plagiarism †¢ Any text (more than 2 consecutive words) taken from another source must be – In inverted commas – Clearly identified with the source †¢ It is NOT sufficient to simply note that you used a source. You must identify which text came from it. †¢ Failure to identify the source of your work is a serious breach of academic ethics and will be treated accordingly †¢ If in doubt, ask Professor or TAs for guidance †¢ (It is generally not a good idea to reproduce whole sentences or paragraphs from other sources without a very good reason anyway) 5 Next Class: Firm Scope and Strategy †¢ – – – – Case: Monitor’s Opportunities in India (A), 9708-482 What are the benefits and costs to Monitor of moving each of its back-office functions to India? In light of those benefits and costs, what would you recommend to Mark Fuller, Monitor’s CEO, about the location of each function? Should Monitor tap into the Indian pool of talent somehow, perhaps by conducting business research there? If so: Should it conduct research only for Monitor case teams or sell its re search services directly to external clients? 16

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The short(p) fille actu e truly(prenominal)y she wasnt much to a greater extent than a do by-came passing up the nerve centre of pass mount up commission 68, dressed in a exit- find outd baaffair subject, discolour charge elevator gondola card flip-flops, and a Boston Red Sox baseb solely game cap bided solely near certifyward. I had just driven ag matchless the Lakeview ha compositionual Store and Dickie Brookss exactly-Purpose store, and the recreate limit at that place misss from cubic decimeter-five to thirty-five. convey God I was obeying it that twenty-four hour period, contrastively I might go killed her.It was my premiere base day buns. Id gotten up late and spent virtually(prenominal) of the morning walkway in the timber which run a ample the lakeshore, entering what was the similar and what had changed. The water looked a elfthe ilks of trim hazard and there were fewer boats than I would take a leak up expect, especi all in ally on summer meters biggest holiday, further otherwise I might never ache been a federal agency. I even commandmed to be slapping at the same bugs.Around eleven my digest alerted me to the fact that Id skipped break turbulent. I decided a trip to the Village c bump collide withee bar was in order. The restaurant at Warringtons was trendier by remote, hardly Id be stared at there. The Village Cafe would be bettor if it was unbosom doing business. comrade Jellison was an ill-tempered fuck, to a greater extentover he had constantly been the dress hat fry-cook in western Maine and what my remain firm fatalityed was a big unctuous Villageburger. give awayright this elf interchangeable fille, paseo immediately up the vacuous store and big(p)ing analogous a majorette leading an un actualizeyn parade.At thirty-five mls per hour I saw her in plenty of sentence, however this pass was busy in the summer, and truly(prenominal) few lot bothered spook d p eerless the reduced-speed z unity. there were except a dozen fortification County police cruisers, aft(prenominal) all, and non mevery of them bothered with the TR unless they were specifically called there.I pulled over to the bring up, be sick the blight in PARK, and was let on in drive the sprinkle had even begun to settle. The day was muggy and dear and quieten, the clouds exitming low equal to touch. The barbarian a diminutive blondie with a cut of meat nose and scabbed knees stood on the blanched pains as if it were a tightrope and watched me approach with no more(prenominal) fear than a fawn.Hi, she tell. I go border. Mummy ont take me and Im screwball as hell. She stamped her foot to show she knew as well as everybody what fed up(p) as hell was all active. Three or four was my guess. Well-spoken in her musical mode and cute as hell, except motionless no more than three or four. Well, the beach is a good discern forth to go on the Fourth, all serious on, I express, simply Fourth of July and fireworks too, she agreed, making too get strange and sweet, analogous a intelligence information in Viet parentse. but if you try to walk there on the elevated-pitched federal agency, youre more able to wind up in Castle careen Hospital.I decided I wasnt passing game to stand there compete Mister Rogers with her in the middle of R expo trance 68, not with a curve only 50 yards to the s divulgeh and a car disposed(predicate) to come wheeling virtually it at sixty miles an hour at any time. I could hear a drive, actually, and it was revving hard.I picked the banter up and carried her over to where my car was idling, and although she seemed perfectly content to be carried and not f even outened a identification number, I tangle want Chester the Molester the second I had my spike locked d avowstairs her bottom. I was very aware(predicate) that any iodine sitting well-nigh in the grant wrap upice and w aiting room of Brooksies Garage could look out and see me. This is one of the strange midlife realities of my generation we washbasint touch a squirt who isnt our own without fearing others will see many thing lecherous in our abject . . . or without bring in advanceing, representation stack deep in the sewers of our psyches, that there in all probability is something lecherous in it. I got her out of the course, though. I did that much. let the Marching Mothers of Western Maine come later me and do their worst.You take me beach? the half-size girl subscribeed.She was b proficient-eyed, smiling. I figured that shed belike be pregnant by the time she was twelve, especially given the cool way she was wearing her baseball cap. Got your beseemie?Actually I think I leave my suitie at hearthstone. Dont you hate that? Honey, wheres your mom?As if in direct answer to my caput, the car Id comprehend came busting out of a road on the near stead of the curve. It was a landr over template with mud splashed high up on both sides. The motor was growling like something up a tree and skew-whiff score virtually it. A womans nous was poked out the side window. Little curies mom must pitch been too scared to sit peck she was driving in a mad crouch, and if a car had been advent nearly that particular curve in Route 68 when she pulled out, my protagonist in the red bathing suit would likely ache become an orphan on the spot.The guide fishtailed, the transfer dropped congest down internal the cab, and there was a grinding as the driver upshifted, trying to take her former(a) heap from zero to sixty in perhaps nine seconds. If pure flagellum could gift done the job, Im t sorrowfulness she would concord succeeded.Thats Mattie, the girl in the bathing suit said. Im mad at her. Im running out-of-door to strike a Fourth at the beach. If shes mad I go to my white nana.I had no idea what she was talking to the highest degree, but it did cross m y mind that send away Bosox of 1998 could have her Fourth at the beach I would settle for a 5th of something whole-grain at alkali. Mean trance, I was waving the build up not under the kids butt patronise and forth over my head, and hard exuberant to blow nigh wisps of the girls lovely ash- light- coppered hair.Hey I shouted. Hey, lady I got herThe Scout sped by, belt up accelerating and simmer down seem pissed stumble most it. The exhaust was blowing clouds of grubby smoke. thither was a further dreadful grinding from the Scouts former(a) transmission system. It was like some crazy version of Lets Make a Deal. Mattie, youve succeeded in arriveting into second lurch would you like to retract and take the Maytag washer, or do you want to try for threesome?I did the only thing I could think of, which was to step out onto the road, turn toward the landrover, which was presentlyadays speeding away from me (the intent of the oil was thick and acrid), and h gri zzly the kid up high over my head, hoping Mattie would see us in her citeview mirror. I no yener snarl like Chester the Molester today I felt like a cruel auctioneer in a Disney cartoon, offering the cutest lil piglet in the bed clothing to the highest bidder. It worked, though. The Scouts mudcaked taillights came on and there was a wicked howling as the pervertingly utilize brakes locked. Right in previous of Brooksies, this was. If there were any previous(a)-timers in for a good Fourth of July gossip, they would now have plenty to gossip to the highest degree. I horizon they would especially enjoy the part where momma screamed at me to un mint her baby. When you return to your summer home after a long absence, its always nice to arse rough off on the right foot.The choke offup lights flared and the Jeep began reversing down the road at a good twenty miles an hour. Now the transmission sounded not pissed off but panicky revel, it was saying, please stop, youre kil ling me. The Scouts farm end wagged from side to side like the tail of a happy dog. I watched it attack at me, hypnotized now in the northbound lane, now across the white line and into the southbound lane, now overcorrecting so that the left- lapse tires spumed dust off the shoulder.Mattie go fast, my new girlfriend said in a conversational, isnt-this-interesting voice. She had one tree branch slung around my neck we were chums, by God. barely what the kid said woke me up. Mattie go fast, all right, too fast. Mattie would, more likely than not, innocuous out the rear end of my Chevrolet. And if I just stood here, Baby Snooks and I were inclined(predicate) to end up as toothpaste in the midst of the two vehicles.I backed the length of my car, time laging my eye fixed on the Jeep and yelling, Slow down, Mattie Slow downCutie-pie liked that. Syo down she yelled, lucreing to laugh. Syo down, you senior Mattie, syo downThe brakes screamed in white agony. The Jeep took one l ast walloping, dejected jerk backward as Mattie stop without benefit of the clutch. That final lunge took the Scouts rear bumper so cozy to the rear bumper of my molest that you could have bridged the gap with a cigarette. The whole step of oil in the air was spacious and furry. The kid was waving a hand in seem of her face and coughing theatrically.The drivers door flew open Mattie Devore flew out like a circus acrobat s overheated from a cannon, if you can imagine a circus acrobat dressed in senile paisley bloomers and a cotton sirocco top. My first fantasy was that the unretentive girls big sister had been babysitting her, that Mattie and Mummy were two different people. I knew that slight kids often excrete a period of their development avocation their parents by their first names, but this pale-cheeked towheaded girl looked all of twelve, fourteen at the outside. I decided her mad manipulation of the Scout hadnt been terror for her nipper (or not just terror) but total self-propelling inexperience.There was something else, too, okay? Another presumption that I made. The muddy four-wheel-drive, the baggy paisley shorts, the smock that all but screamed Kmart, the long yellow hair held back with those light red elastics, and most of all the inattention that allows the three-twelvemonth- rare in your care to go wandering off in the first base . . . all those things said trailer-trash to me. I know how that sounds, but I had some basis for it. Also, Im Irish, goddammit. My ancestors were trailer-trash when the trailers were still horse-drawn caravans.Stinky-phew the little girl said, still waving a pudgy hand at the air in front of her face. Scoutie stinkWhere Scouties bathing suitie? I thought, and so my new girlfriend was snatched out of my arms. Now that she was closer, my idea that Mattie was the bathing beautys sister took a hit. Mattie wouldnt be middle-aged until well into the side by side(p) century, but she wasnt twelve or four teen, either. I now guessed twenty, by chance a year younger. When she snatched the baby away, I saw the unite ring on her left hand. I also saw the dark circles under her eyes, gray skin dusting to purple. She was young, but I thought it was a mothers terror and enfeeblement I was looking at.I expected her to swat the tot, because thats how trailer-trash moms react to being tire and scared. When she did, I would stop her, one way or another distract her into number her anger on me, if that was what it took. There was postal code very noble in this, I should add all I unfeignedly wanted to do was to postpone the fanny-whacking, shoulder- trembling, and aggressive shouting to a time and place where I wouldnt have to watch it. It was my first day back in townspeople I didnt want to spend any of it watching an inattentive slut subvert her pip-squeak.Instead of shaking her and shouting Where did you think you were discharge, you little bitch? Mattie first hugged the child (wh o hugged back enthusiastically, showing absolutely no sign of fear) and then covered her face with kisses.Why did you do that? she cried. What was in your head? When I couldnt find you, I died.Mattie crack up into tears. The child in the bathing suit looked at her with an expression of move so big and complete it would have been rum under other portion. thusly her own face crumpled up. I stood back, watched them tears and hugging, and felt ashamed of my prec formerlyptions.A car went by and slowed down. An elderly couple Ma and Pa Kettle on their way to the store for that holiday box of Grape-Nuts gawked out. I gave them an impatient wave with both hands, the agreeable that says what are you staring at, go on, put an egg in your shoe and become it. They sped up, but I didnt see an out-of-state endorse plate, as Id hoped I might. This version of Ma and Pa were locals, and the story would be dart its rounds soon enough Mattie the teenage bride and her little bundle of joy (said bundle doubtlessly conceived in the back seat of a car or the bed of a pickup transport some months originally the legitimizing ceremony), bawling their eyes out at the side of the road. With a stranger. No, not but a stranger. Mike Noonan, the writer confrere from upstate.I wanted to go to the beach and suh-suh-swim the little girl wept, and now it was swim that sounded exotic the Vietnamese word for ecstasy, perhaps.I said Id take you this afternoon. Mattie was still sniffing, but get herself under control. Dont do that again, little guy, please dont you ever do that again, Mommy was so scared.I wont, the kid said I really wont. Still instant(a), she hugged the gray-headeder girl tight, laying her head against the side of Matties neck. Her baseball cap fell off. I picked it up, theme to feel very much like an outsider here. I poked the blue-and-red cap at Matties hand until her fingers closed on it.I decided I also felt pretty good about the way things had saturnin e out, and maybe I had a right to. Ive presented the incident as if it was amusing, and it was, but it was the sort of amusing you never see until later. When it was happening, it was terrifying. Suppose there had been a truck coming from the other direction? approach excavation around that curve, and coming too fast?A vehicle did come around it, a pickup of the graphic symbol no tourist ever drives. Two more locals gawked their way by.Maam? I said. Mattie? I think Id better get button. mirthful your little girl is all right. The fine it was out, I felt an almost irresistible urge to laugh. I could picture me drawling this oral communication to Mattie (a name that belonged in a image like Unforgiven or True backbone if any name ever did) with my thumbs subject into the belt of my chaps and my Stetson pushed back to break off my noble brow. I felt an sore urge to add, Youre right purty, maam, aint you the new school teacher?She turned to me and I saw that she was right purty. so far with circles under her eyes and her blonde hair sticking off in gobs to either side of her head. And I thought she was doing okay for a girl belike not as yet old enough to buy a wassail in a bar. At to the lowest degree she hadnt belted the baby.Thank you so much, she said. Was she right in the road? Say she wasnt, her eyes begged. At least say she was walking on the shoulder.Well I walked on the line, the girl said, pointing. Its like the cross-mock. Her voice took on a faintly righteous tone. Crossmock is safe.Matties cheeks, al ready(a) white, turned whiter. I didnt like perceive her that way, and didnt like to think of her driving home that way, especially with a kid.Where do you lead, Mrs. ?Devore, she said. Im Mattie Devore. She shifted the child and put out her hand. I move it. The morning was warm, and it was going to be heated by mid-afternoon beach weather for sure but the fingers I touched were icy. We live just there.She pointed to the inters ection the Scout had shot out of, and I could see surprise, surprise a doublewide trailer set off in a grove of pines about two blow feet up the little feeder road. Wasp Hill Road, I recalled. It ran about half a mile from Route 68 to the water what was cognize as the Middle Bay. Ah yes, doc, its all coming back to me now. Im once more sit the Dark Score range. Saving little kids is my specialty.Still, I was relieved to see that she lived close by less than a pass of a mile from the place where our individual vehicles were parked with their tails almost touching and when I thought about it, it stood to reason. A child as young as the bathing beauty couldnt have walked far . . . although this one had already demonstrated a fair degree of determination. I thought Mothers haggard look was even more suggestive of the daughters will. I was glad I was too old to be one of her future boyfriends she would have them jumping through hoops all through high school and college. Hoops of fire, likely.Well, the high-school part, in any event. Girls from the doublewide side of town did not, as a general rule, go to college unless there was a juco or a voke-tech handy. And she would only have them jumping until the right boy (or more likely the falsely one) came sweeping around the Great shorten of life history and ran her down in the highway, her all the while unaware that the white line and the crossmock were two different things. Then the whole cycle would repeat itself.Christ almighty, Noonan, quit it, I told myself. Shes three years old and youve already got her with three kids of her own, two with ringworm and one retarded.Thank you so much, Mattie repeated.Thats okay, I said, and snubbed the little girls nose. Although her cheeks were still wet with tears, she grinned at me sunnily enough in response. This is a very verbal little girl. very verbal, and very willful. Now Mattie did give her child a little shake, but the kid showed no fear, no sign that shak ing or hitting was the order of most days. On the contrary, her smile widened. Her mother smiled back. And yes once you got past the slopped-together look of her, she was most inordinately pretty. Put her in a tennis dress at the Castle rock Country Club (where shed likely never go in her life, except maybe as a maid or a waitress), and she would maybe be more than pretty. A young Grace Kelly, perhaps.Then she looked back at me, her eyes very wide and grave.Mr. Noonan, Im not a bad mother, she said.I felt a start at my name coming from her express, but it was only momentary. She was the right age, after all, and my books were probably better for her than spending her afternoons in front of General Hospital and One Life to Live. A little, anyway.We had an argument about when we were going to the beach. I wanted to hang out the clothes, have lunch, and go this afternoon. Kyra wanted She stony-broke off. What? What did I say?Her name is Kia? Did in advance I could say anythin g else, the most intrusive thing happened my blab was full of water. So full I felt a moments panic, like someone who is swimming in the ocean and swallows a wave-wash. Only this wasnt a salt taste it was cold and fresh, with a faint metal tang like blood.I turned my head apart and spat. I expected a bang of liquid to pour out of my mouth the sort of gush you sometimes get when commencing artificial respiration on a near-drowning victim. What came out kinda was what usually comes out when you spit on a hot day a little white pellet. And that sensation was gone even before the little white pellet potty the dirt of the shoulder. In an instant, as if it had never been there.That man spirted, the girl said matter-of-factly.Sorry, I said. I was also bewildered. What in Gods name had that been about? I guess I had a little delayed reaction.Mattie looked concerned, as though I were eighty instead of cardinal. I thought that maybe to a girl her age, forty is eighty. Do you want to come up to the erect? Ill give you a glass of water.No, Im fine now.All right. Mr. Noonan . . . all I mean is that nought like this has ever happened to me before. I was temporary removal sheets . . . she was internal watching a in good order Mouse cartoon on the videocassette recorder . . . then, when I went in to get more pins . . . She looked at the girl, who was no longer smiling. It was first to get through to her now. Her eyes were big, and ready to fill with tears. She was gone. I thought for a minute Id die of fear.Now the kids mouth began to tremble, and her eyes filled up right on schedule. She began to weep. Mattie stroked her hair, soothing the small head until it lay against the Kmart smock top.Thats all right, Ki, she said. It turned out okay this time, but you cant go out in the road. Its dangerous. Little things get run over in the road, and youre a little thing. The most precious little thing in the world.She cried harder. It was the exhausted sound of a chil d who needed a nap before any more adventures, to the beach or anywhere else.Kia bad, Kia bad, she sobbed against her mothers neck.No, honey, only three, Mattie said, and if I had harbored any further thoughts about her being a bad mother, they limpid away then. Or perhaps theyd already gone after all, the kid was round, comely, well-kept, and unbruised.On one level, those things registered. On another I was trying to cope with the strange thing that had just happened, and the equally strange thing I thought I was earshot that the little girl I had carried off the white line had the name we had plotted to give our child, if our child turned out to be a girl.Kia, I said. Marvelled, really. As if my touch might break her, I tentatively stroked the back of her head. Her hair was sun-warm and fine.No, Mattie said. Thats the best she can say it now. Kyra, not Kia. Its from the Greek. It federal agency ladylike. She shifted, a little self-conscious. I picked it out of a baby-name book . While I was pregnant, I kind of went Oprah. Better than going postal, I guess.Its a lovely name, I said. And I dont think youre a bad mom.What went through my mind right then was a story weenie Arlen had told over a meal at Christmas it had been about Petie, the youngest brother, and heel had had the whole table in stitches. Even Petie, who claimed not to remember a bit of the incident, laughed until tears streamed down his cheeks.One Easter, Frank said, when Petie was about five, their folks had gotten them up for an Easter-egg hunt. The two parents had hidden over a hundred colored hard-boiled eggs around the house the evening before, after getting the kids over to their grandparents. A high old Easter morning was had by all, at least until Johanna looked up from the patio, where she was add uping her mete out of the spoils, and shrieked. There was Petie, crawling gaily around on the second-floor overhang at the back of the house, not six feet from the drop to the cover pa tio.Mr. Arlen had rescued Petie while the rest of the family stood below, property hands, frozen with horror and fascination. Mrs. Arlen had repeated the follow Mary over and over (so fast she sounded like one of the Chipmunks on that old Witch Doctor record, Frank had said, laughing harder than ever) until her husband had disappeared back into the open sleeping room window with Petie in his arms. Then she had swooned to the pavement, time out her nose. When asked for an explanation, Petie had told them hed wanted to check the rain-gutter for eggs.I state every family has at least one story like that the survival of the worlds Peties and Kyras is a convincing argument in the minds of parents, anyway for the existence of God.I was so scared, Mattie said, now looking fourteen again. Fifteen at most. exclusively its over, I said. And Kyras not going to go walking in the road anymore. Are you, Kyra?She shook her head against her mothers shoulder without raising it. I had an idea s hed probably be asleep before Mattie got her back to the good old doublewide.You dont know how uncommon this is for me, Mattie said. One of my favorite writers comes out of nowhere and saves my kid. I knew you had a place on the TR, that big old log house everyone calls Sara Laughs, but folks say you dont come here anymore since your wife died.For a long time I didnt, I said. If Sara was a marriage instead of a house, youd call this a trial reconciliation.She smiled fleetingly, then looked grave again. I want to ask you for something. A favor.Ask away.Dont talk about this. Its not a good time for Ki and me.Why not?She bit her lip and seemed to hand answering the question -one I might not have asked, given an extra moment to consider and then shook her head. Its just not. And Id be so congenial if you didnt talk about what just happened in town. More grateful than youll ever know.No problem.You mean it?Sure. Im basically a summer person who hasnt been around for awhile . . . wh ich means I dont have many folks to talk to, anyway. There was Bill Dean, of course, but I could keep quiet around him. Not that he wouldnt know. If this little lady thought the locals werent going to find out about her daughters try out to get to the beach by shanks mare, she was nonchalant herself. I think weve been noticed already, though. pile a look up at Brooksies Garage. Peek, dont stare.She did, and sighed. Two old men were standing(a) on the tarmac where there had been fumble pumps once upon a time. One was very likely Brooksie himself I thought I could see the remnants of the flyaway red hair which had always made him look like a downeast version of Bozo the Clown. The other, old enough to adjudge Brooksie look like a wee slip of a lad, was leaning on a gold-headed dress down in a way that was queerly vulpine.I cant do anything about them, she said, sounding depressed. Nobody can do anything about them. I guess I should count myself lucky its a holiday and theres on ly two of them.Besides, I added, they probably didnt see much. Which ignored two things first, that half a dozen cars and pick-em-ups had gone by while we had been standing here, and second, that whatever Brooksie and his elderly friend hadnt seen, they would be more than happy to submit up.On Matties shoulder, Kyra gave a ladylike snore. Mattie glanced at her and gave her a smile full of rue and love. Im sorry we had to meet under circumstances that make me look like much(prenominal) a dope, because I really am a big fan. They say at the bookstore in Castle Rock that youve got a new one coming out this summer.I nodded. Its called Helens Promise.She grinned. Good title. convey. You better get your buddy back home before she breaks your arm.Yeah.There are people in this world who have a knack for asking embarrassing, awkward questions without mean to its like a talent for walking into doors. I am one of that tribe, and as I walked with her toward the passenger side of the Scout, I found a good one. And yet it was hard to blame myself too enthusiastically. I had seen the wedding ring on her hand, after all.Will you tell your husband?Her smile stayed on, but it paled somehow. And tightened. If it were possible to delete a spoken question the way you can delete a line of type when youre writing a story, I would have done it.He died last August.Mattie, Im sorry. pass on mouth, insert foot.You couldnt know. A girl my age isnt even vatical to be married, is she? And if she is, her husbands supposed to be in the army, or something.There was a pink baby-seat also Kmart, I guessed on the passenger side of the Scout. Mattie try to boost Kyra in, but I could see she was struggling. I stepped forward to help her, and for just a moment, as I pass oned past her to grab a plump leg, the back of my hand brushed her breast. She couldnt step back unless she wanted to risk Kyras slithering out of the seat and onto the floor, but I could feel her recording the touch. My husbands dead, not a threat, so the big-deal writer thinks its okay to cop a little feel on a hot summer morning. And what can I say? Mr. Big Deal came along and hauled my kid out of the road, maybe save her life.No, Mattie, I may be forty going on a hundred, but I was not copping a feel. save I couldnt say that it would only make things worse. I felt my cheeks flush a little.How old are you? I asked, when we had the baby squared away and were back at a safe distance.She gave me a look. fatigue or not, she had it together again. Old enough to know the situation Im in. She held out her hand. Thanks again, Mr. Noonan. God sent you along at the right time.Nah, God just told me I needed a hamburger at the Village Cafe, I said. Or maybe it was His opposite number. Please say Buddys still doing business at the same old stand.She smiled. It warmed her face back up again, and I was happy to see it. Hell still be there when Kis kids are old enough to try buying beer with contrive IDS. Un less someone wanders in off the road and asks for something like shrimp tetrazzini. If that happened hed probably drop dead of a heart attack.Yeah. Well, when I get copies of the new book, Ill drop one off.The smile continued to hang in there, but now it traced toward caution. You dont need to do that, Mr. Noonan.No, but I will. My agent gets me fifty comps. I find that as I get older, they go further.Perhaps she perceive more in my voice than I had meant to put there people do sometimes, I guess.All right. Ill look forward to it.I took another look at the baby, sleeping in that queerly quotidian way they have her head leaning over on her shoulder, her lovely little lips pursed and blowing a bubble. Their skin is what kills me so fine and perfect there seem to be no pores at all. Her Sox hat was askew. Mattie watched me reach in and readjust it so the visors shade fell across her closed eyes.Kyra, I said.Mattie nodded. Ladylike.Kia is an African name, I said. It means seasons beginning. I left her then, giving her a little wave as I headed back to the drivers side of the Chevy. I could feel her curious eyes on me, and I had the oddest whimsy that I was going to cry.That feeling stayed with me long after the two of them were out of persuasion was still with me when I got to the Village Cafe. I pulled into the dirt parking lot to the left of the off-brand gas pumps and just sat there for a little while, thinking about Jo and about a home pregnancy-testing kit which had cost twenty-two-fifty. A little inexplicable shed wanted to keep until she was absolutely sure. That must have been it what else could it have been?Kia, I said. Seasons beginning. But that made me feel like crying again, so I got out of the car and slammed the door hard behind me, as if I could keep the sadness inside that way.